However, these additions never reach the heights of Automatron in their appeal, thematically or value as content. Instead of individual products, the CC has gravitated towards bundles: Armor/Weapon/Quest bundles (DOOM or Tunnel Snakes), Settlement/Gameplay Changes/Quest (Slocam Joe), and even the cosmetic options are best when bundled together (Modular Backpacks and Faction Paints). This lesson slowly appears to be dawning on Bethesda with the trend of Fallout 4. There is something bound to appeal to anyone who enjoys Fallout 4, and if you play this game with more punishing combat (for you and for enemies) it can be some of the best moments. The robot companion options offer everything from Assaultrons to Sentry Bots and everything mixed in-between the Rust Devils and new robots like Eyebots and Robobrains add some needed enemy variety to the game the new Tesla weapon and Tesla power armor are welcomed inclusions to combat and the two added dungeons have perhaps some of Fallout 4’s greatest battles with a lot of breadth in spite of their brevity. As a result of all these small touches, not one feature feels skimped out. In total, Automatron adds a new power armor and a new exotic weapon, robotic companions (and settlement options), and a simple story centered around facing the Mechanist from Fallout 3 with two dungeons.

There are many lessons to be learned on how to market to a wide audience without major backlash. While it may not compare to the heights of Far Harbor or Nuka World, I believe Automatron showcases what Bethesda (and modders) should strive to achieve in the Creation Club’s future. Automatron proves you can add a lot with a “mini-expansion.”

You cannot knock how much added content Automatron brings to the Commonwealth-however frivolous the settlement stuff is or however minor are the new Rust Devils and robots enemies-and this DLC should be the set standard for the future of Creation Club. Playing on Survival Mode with STALKER damage output (and autosaves) that enhances its dungeons is one reason, but I believe there is a simpler one. There are so many little things Automatron adds to the Commonwealth that I would bemoan its loss, yet I cannot describe one specific trait that makes it feel so great. Wedged between two polar opposites of expansions, Automatron is perhaps the underdog gem of Fallout 4 that is perhaps better than it has any right to be. "The Creation Club Content We Never Asked for but the One We Need"