This mod is huge, and according to the Bethesda mod page, it boasts the largest and most comprehensive spell mod in the game – and it sure as hell feels like it.

Which is where the incredible Phenderix Magic Evolved mod comes into play. A big part of the reason for this is many of melee weapon options feel clunky to me sometimes, and the magic trees can leave something to be desired. I know, I know… Sort of lame, but it’s just what I fall into. Phenderix Magic Evolved: What typically happens with me when I play an Elder Scrolls game, or RPGs like Elder Scrolls, has more or less become a meme throughout much of the gaming community: Doesn’t really matter what build I set out to make, I almost always make a stealthy archer. Not only are there a truckload of new spells, the animations are solid, too! (Bethesda) So if you’re on a first playthrough, or still have trophies to chase, then save mods for another time!) ( Disclaimer: Mods are typically not recommended for a first playthrough, and they disable your ability to acquire trophies on whatever save file you have modded. So without further ado, let me walk you through the five mods I chose to improve my journey in Tamriel! Like last time, I did my best to focus on mods that improved gameplay or atmosphere, instead of cheats, fast leveling, etc. And, like with Fallout 4, I have several playthroughs of Skyrim under my belt – so for my most recent jaunt in Tamriel, I decided to take advantage of the mods available to me on the PlayStation 4, and the experience this time around has been fresher and more enjoyable than it has been in years. The mods I used from that article really improved my experience in Fallout 4 and contributed to a really fun and fresh fourth playthrough of the game – so I figured, why not do the same thing for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? With the number of Skyrim remasters/ports/etc, most notably the recent Nintendo Switch version and the remastered Special Edition released in late 2016, more people are able to enjoy Skyrim than ever. I talked about how much I love the incredible worlds that Bethesda has put together in both their Fallout and Elder Scrolls series, but after a few playthroughs and tens or hundreds of hours, it’s easy to fall into your same old builds, or to just flat out get a little burnt out on playing the vanilla game. A little over a month ago I wrote up a piece on mods that I was using to spice up my recent Fallout 4 playthrough on PS4.